Saturday, January 20, 2007


My drawings are currently on show in Gescheidle gallery, Chicago. The show is called "le papier (part) deux". Here is the gallery's website:


ainesse said...

Hi there Ilona...I know you put this up on your blog way back in January and worryingly you have not posted since ?
I enjoyed the new drawing you made called 'cruising' in fact I have made a post about you and your work ( my post does not do you justice but your cruising image is there so it will be OK !!) Anyway I put a picture I found in a newspaper on to the post that I though you might find interesting and of course when you see it, you will understand why, it reminded me of you.
I haven't heard anything of you on the artprocess site either for a while.

I do hope that you are OK.?? Have you heard of something called "You've been tagged" well I would really like to "tag you" but there isnt any point if you are not into keeping up with your blog nowadays
Please let me know.

very best wishes and I would love to hear how you are gtting on



Anonymous said...

Well said.